For the Italian-born FIAT, the beginning of 2011 marked its re-entry into the North American marketplace and the launch of the new FIAT 500 Cabriolet.

In conjunction with April’s NY International Auto Show, FIATasked GPJ to create a pop-up where New York tastemakers could explore the brand on their turf and on their terms. Fashion, art and music would need to play a vital role in enticing visitors.GPJ’s solution was to combine the rich Italian heritage and modern design of FIAT with a buzz-worthy interactive environment along with exclusive entertainment. The result was the FIAT Gallery at 18 Wooster, held in a contemporary gallery space in the heart of the SoHo neighborhood. During the 12-day creative brand marketing event, visitors enjoyed a full schedule of live music and art exhibitions, relaxing in an intimate Italian lounge and café. They also had the opportunity to be one of the first to test-drive a FIAT 500 Cabrio in America.

At the close of the event, the Gallery was used for a week long media event where top automotive journalists learned about the new FIAT 500. An extensive ride and drive through the Hudson River Valley was offered to those that attended.FIAT’s SoHo Gallery was an instant viral hit with New York’s influential creative class, attracting key FIAT audiences who normally avoid auto shows. The New York press was also impressed, giving events continuous coverage over the 12-day period. Ultimately FIAT was awarded an Ex Award – the highest honor in experiential marketing – for the Best Pop-Up Store/Retail for this innovative campaign.